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310 results German - English substring search »
dies   -   that
stirbt   -   dies
verhallt   -   dies away
[ Personenname ]   -   Dies
die Plättchen  {pl}   -   dies  {pl}
verdurstet   -   dies with thirst
dies und jenes   -   this and that
dies zu beachten   -   keep this in mind
Nur dies nicht!   -   Anything but that!
sofern dies möglich ist   -   if procurable
Dies oder gar nichts.   -   It's Hobson's choice.
dies führt zu einer Teilung   -   this yields a division
falls dies dem Handelsbrauch entspricht   -   if customary
dies wird exporte fördern   -   this will encourage exports
dies gilt für alle Inkassi   -   this applies to all collections
   |    next 15 »
According to the obituary notices, a mean and unimportant person never dies.
processing time: 1.006 [sec]

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