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35 results German - English substring search »
gebend   -   giving
abgewöhnend   -   giving up
hergebend   -   giving away
nachgebend   -   giving way
kündigend   -   giving notice
eingebend; gebend   -   giving
abmeldend   -   to giving notice of departure
krankheitsmildernd ohne zu heilen   -   palliative, giving relief but not cure (medical)
mit genauen Anweisungen   -   giving precise instructions
mit vollständigen Anweisungen   -   giving complete instructions
zum Zwecke der Ausführung   -   for the purposes of giving effect
Prämierung {f}   -   awarding of a prize; award ceremony; prize-giving ceremony
derjenige der solche Ermächtigung erteilt   -   the party giving such authority
Sie führen uns nur an der Nase herum.   -   They're only giving us the run around.
herzlos   -   ungiving
   |    next 15 »
Advice is a dangerous gift; be cautious about giving and receiving it.
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