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14 results German - English substring search »
Tiere {pl}   -   animals
Huftiere {pl}   -   hoofed animals
tierlieb   -   fond of animals
das Tierheim   -   home for animals
Pelztiere   -   fur bearing animals
Tierquälerei {f}   -   cruelty to animals
Kleinvieh {n}   -   small domestic animals
Tierschutz {m}   -   protection of animals
gefährliche Tiere   -   dangerous animals
Tiere eingewöhnen   -   to acclimate animals
Tierschutzverein {m}   -   society for the prevention of cruelty to animals
artengerechte Tierhaltung   -   keeping of animals in their natural environment
Zoonose, Tierkrankheit, Tierseuche   -   zoonosis - diseases communicable from animals to humans (medical)
- : Britischer Tierschutzverein   -   RSPCA : Royal Societa for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals
All of the animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.
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