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22 results German - English substring search »
Base   -   base, having a high pH (medical)
habend   -   having
nachdem   -   having
umhabend   -   having on
Anisokorie, ungleich weite Pupillen   -   anisocoria, having different sized pupils (medical)
Defäkation, Stuhlentlehrung   -   defecation, emptying the bowels, having a bowel movement (medical)
plaudernd   -   having a chat
freihabend   -   having a holiday
ausweinend   -   having a good cry
habe; nachdem; habend   -   having
frühstückend   -   having breakfast
Rasur {f}   -   shaving
rasierend   -   shaving
benehmend   -   behaving
Holzwolle   -   wood shavings
   |    next 15 »
Charm is a way of getting the answer "Yes" -- without having asked any clear question.
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