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54 results German - English substring search »
Ja, was ich sagen wollte.   -   Oh, by the way.
Ohren   -   ear, the ears, the outer ears (medical)
zum   -   to the
Amnion   -   amnion, sack containing the fetus (medical)
Atrium, Vorhof   -   atrium, part of the heart (medical)
beim   -   near the
kaudal, steißwärts, zum Gesäß   -   caudal, near/towards the tail caudal (medical)
als   -   then
da   -   there
sie   -   them
dann   -   then
ihr   -   their
sie {pl}   -   they
Dieb   -   theft
Dort   -   There
   |    next 15 »
Clarke's Conclusion: Never let your sense of morals interfere with doing the right thing.
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