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135 results German - English substring search »
etwas   -   something
sonstwas   -   something else
etwas; irgendwas   -   something
etwas; irgendetwas   -   something
etw. anlegen   -   to don something
Extrawurst {f}   -   something special
so etwas   -   something of the kind
etw. abmischen   -   to mix something
etw. mailen   -   to e-mail something
etw. würzen   -   to flavor something
etw. würzen   -   to flavour something
etw. begrüßen   -   to embrace something
unterlassen   -   leave something undone
etw. ausfüllen   -   to fill something in
etw. bezwecken   -   to purpose something
   |    next 15 »
Conscious is when you are aware of something and conscience is when you wish you weren't.
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