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92 results German - English substring search »
erwarten   -   expect
erwarten; entgegensehen   -   to expect
erwarten (von)   -   to expect (of; from)
jemandem zumuten   -   to expect of somebody
Er wird wohl kommen.   -   I expect he will come.
voraussetzen; annehmen   -   to assume; to expect
sich etwas versprechen von   -   to expect something of
sich etw. von jdm. erhoffen   -   to expect sth. from sb.
Unverhofft kommt oft.   -   Things always seem to happen when you least expect them.
erwartet   -   expects
erwartet   -   expected
erwartete   -   expected
erwartend   -   expectant
erwartend   -   expecting
erwartend, abwartend   -   expectant
   |    next 15 »
Do more than anyone expects, and pretty soon everyone will expect more.
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