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147 results German - English substring search »
Pein, Schmerz   -   pain
Pein {f}; Schmerz {m}   -   pain
Qual {f}   -   pain
Analgetikum, schmerzstillendes Mittel   -   analgesic, pain-killer (medical)
Arthralgie, Gelenkschmerz   -   arthralgia, pain in a joint (medical)
Bauchschmerzen   -   cramps, abdominal pain associated with diarrhea or menstrual cramps, colic (medical)
[ Personenname ]   -   Pain
Hyperalgesie, gesteigerte Schmerzempfindlichkeit als Form Hyperästhesie   -   hyperalgesia, excessive sensitivity to pain (medical)
Hüftgelenkschmerz, Koxalgie   -   coxalgia, hip pain (medical)
heftiger Schmerz   -   acute pain
Schmerzen haben   -   suffer pain
Nervensäge {f}   -   pain in the neck
schmerzstillend   -   pain killing
Schmerzen haben   -   to be in pain
Schmerzensschrei {m}   -   cry of pain
   |    next 15 »
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. -- Kahlil Gibran
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