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87 results German - English substring search »
liegend   -   lying
anlügend   -   lying to
belügend   -   lying to
Decubitus, Dekubitalgeschwür, Dekubitalnekrose, Druckbrand, Druckgangrän, Druckgeschwür, Wundliegen, Durchliegen, Dekubitus   -   decubitus, bedsore from lying down too long, pressure sore (medical)
tiefliegend   -   low lying
tief liegend   -   low lying
stilliegend   -   lying still
dazwischengelegene   -   lying inbetween
Sie lügt wie gedruckt.   -   She's a lying so-and-so.
Das Schiff liegt auf der Reede.   -   The ship is lying in the roads.
Fluege   -   flyings
Flüge {pl}   -   flyings
fliegend   -   flying
zählen   -   tallying
hantierte   -   plying
   |    next 15 »
Dying is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down. -- Woody Allen
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