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125 results German - English substring search »
gekommen   -   came
kommen   -   to come {came; come}
entstand   -   came into being
Er kam zwar, doch war's zu spät.   -   He came alright, but too late.
Er kam zuletzt.   -   He came last.
Er kam allein.   -   He came by himself.
Sie kam als letzte.   -   She came last.
Er verlor dabei.   -   He came off a loser.
Er kam ihr zu Hilfe.   -   He came to her aid.
Die Frage erhob sich.   -   The question came up.
Es wurde nichts daraus.   -   It came to nothing.
Wie es auch immer war, sie kam jedenfalls.   -   All the same she came.
Sie kam vom Lande.   -   She came up from the country.
Dieser Knopf ist abgegangen.   -   This button came off.
Seine Träume erfüllten sich.   -   His dreams came true.
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I waited and waited and when no message came I knew it must be from you.
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