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40 results German - English substring search »
ihr   -   their
ihre   -   their
verirrten   -   lost their way
umdenkende   -   changing their views
ihrer Natur nach   -   by their nature
bei deren Ankunft   -   on their arrival
Vierzigerinnen {pl}   -   women in their forties
bis zu deren Ankunft   -   until their arrival
in ihrer äußeren Aufmachung   -   on their face
Sie nahmen Reißaus.   -   They took to their heels.
ehe sie zahlen, vor der Bezahlung   -   before parting with their money
ihre jeweiligen Pflichten   -   their respective duties
ihre persönlichen Wünsche   -   their individual convenience
zwecks späterer Bewegung   -   for their subsequent movement
Sie bekamen ihr Geld zurück.   -   They got their money back.
   |    next 15 »
It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.
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