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273 results German - English substring search »
Mangel   -   lack
Atonie, Schlaffheit   -   atony, lack of muscle tone (medical)
Ende {n}; Lack {m}   -   finish
Lack {m}; Nagellack {m}   -   enamel
Lack, Lacke   -   varnish
Lack, lackieren   -   lacquer
mangeln, Mangel, Knappheit   -   lack
Anoxie, unzureichende Sauerstoffkonzentration im Gewebe   -   anoxia, lack of oxygen (medical)
Ataxie, Störung Bewegungskoordination   -   ataxia, lack of coordination, an unsteady gait (medical)
Mangel, Fehlen von   -   lack of
Anergie, Mangel an Aktivität, Nichtreagieren   -   anergia, inactivity, lack of response (medical)
Anosmie, Geruchsminderung   -   anosmia, lack of sense of smell (medical)
der Lack   -   finish
Akinesie, Unbeweglichkeit   -   akinesia, lack of movement (medical)
Dystonie, Dystension   -   dystonia, muscle disorders, lack of muscle tone (medical)
   |    next 15 »
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