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16 results German - English substring search »
sagend   -   saying
Spruch {m}   -   saying
Redensart   -   saying
ein weises Wort   -   a wise saying
verabschiedend   -   saying good bye
Das will viel sagen.   -   That's saying a lot.
zum Schluss sagte er noch   -   he concluded by saying
Das versteht sich von selbst.   -   That goes without saying.
hiermit; mit diesen Worten   -   with these words; with this; saying this
Reden {pl}   -   sayings
Sprüche {pl}   -   sayings
leugnend   -   gainsaying
widerrufend   -   unsaying
Sprichwörter {pl}   -   sayings
untersuchend   -   assaying
   |    next 15 »
Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. -- Baba Ram Dass
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