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82 results German - English substring search »
Prinzip, Grundsatz   -   principle
Prinzip, Richtlinie   -   principle
Prinzip {n}   -   principle
Grundsatz, Ursache   -   principle
Grundsatz {m}; Ursache {f}   -   principle
im Prinzip, grundsätzlich   -   in principle
Leitsatz {m}; Leitprinzip {n}   -   guiding principle
Richtlinie   -   guiding principle
Wirkprinzip {n}   -   active principle
Richtschnur {f}   -   guiding principle
im Prinzip; an sich   -   in principle
Rechtsgrundsatz {m}   -   principle of law
grundsätzlich   -   as a basic principle
das Hauptprinzip, das Prinzip   -   the main principle
Rotationsprinzip   -   rotation principle
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Pecor's Health-Food Principle: Never eat rutabaga on any day of the week that has a "y" in it.
processing time: 0.192 [sec]

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