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49 results German - English substring search »
schwierig   -   difficult
schwierig, schwer   -   difficult
erschwert   -   makes difficult
erschwerte   -   made difficult
schwierigere   -   more difficult
schwierigste   -   most difficult
erschweren   -   to make difficult
erschwerend   -   making difficult
ziemlich schwierig   -   pretty difficult
maternale Dystokie   -   maternal dystocia, difficult delivery (medical)
schwererziehbar; schwierig   -   difficult
schwer zugänglich   -   difficult to access
schwer; schwierig; diffizil   -   difficult
schwer vermittelbar   -   difficult to place
eine schwierige Aufgabe, Tätigkeit   -   a difficult job
   |    next 15 »
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