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23 results German - English substring search »
denkend   -   thinking
gedenkend   -   thinking of
überdenkend   -   thinking over
Denkweise {f}   -   way of thinking
klardenkend   -   clear thinking
nachdenkend   -   thinking about
Confusio mentalis, Verwirrtheit, geistige Verwirrtheit   -   confusion, amentia, thought disorder, thinking disorder, ideosynchysis (medical)
zurückdenkend   -   thinking back
Denkprozess {m}   -   thinking process
Wunschdenken {n}   -   wishful thinking
Denkprozesse {pl}   -   thinking processes
kreative Denktechnik   -   area thinking
Kostendenken   -   thinking in terms of cost
Schubladendenken {n}   -   stereotyped thinking
inkohärentes Denken, Zerfahrenheit, Zerstreutheit   -   incoherent thinking, confusion, incoherent ideation (medical)
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Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking. -- Mary Poppins
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