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306 results German - English substring search »
Lage   -   position
Arbeitsplatz, Stelle, Arbeitsstelle, Position   -   post
Position {f}   -   position
Position {f}; Lage {f}; Standpunkt {m}; Stellung {f}   -   position
Standort {m}   -   position
Position im LV   -   item
Kommodore {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commodore, a position rather than a rank.
Rochade {f} (Fußball)   -   switch-over, change of position
Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsstelle, Stelle   -   position
Kommandeur {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commander, a position rather than a rank.
Endlage {f}   -   stop position
Verrenkung   -   dislocation, moving out of position (medical)
Präposition, Verhältniswort   -   preposition
Stand {m}   -   standing position
Zonenteil {m}   -   zone position
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I may not be able to walk, but I drive from the sitting position."
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