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185 results German - English substring search »
in Worten   -   say
sagen   -   to say {said; said}
Ach was!   -   I say!
besage; sagen   -   say
es heißt   -   they say
vorsagen   -   to say to
näml. : nämlich   -   viz, i.e. : namely, that is to say
[ Personenname ]   -   Say
Hören Sie mal!   -   I say!
nämlich   -   that is to say
das heisst   -   that is to say
man sagt; es heißt   -   they say
Gehaltszulage {f}   -   additional say
verabschieden   -   to say good bye
um Gnade bitten   -   say uncle / US
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I won't say he's untruthful, but his wife has to call the dog for dinner."
processing time: 0.457 [sec]

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