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33 results German - English substring search »
Frau {f}   -   wife
Frau {f}; Ehefrau {f}   -   wife
Gattin {f}   -   wife
Gemahlin {f}   -   wife
Frau; Ehefrau   -   wife
die Müllerin   -   miller's wife
Ehegatten {pl}   -   husband and wife
Name der Ehefrau   -   name of wife
verlassene Ehefrau   -   deserted wife
berufstätige Ehefrau   -   working wife
seine Frau verlassen   -   abandon one's wife
Gott und die Welt   -   all the world and his wife
die Schwippschwägerin   -   wife of one's brother-in-law
für Frau und Kinder sorgen   -   to keep a wife and family
Morgengabe {f}   -   gift from husband to wife after the wedding night
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I won't say he's untruthful, but his wife has to call the dog for dinner."
processing time: 0.103 [sec]

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