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215 results German - English substring search »
Ja, also eigentlich ...   -   Well, actually ...
Ja, das kennen wir schon.   -   Well, that's an old story.
Na, wenn schon!   -   Well, so what!
gut   -   well
gut, nun   -   well
Nein, so was!   -   Well, I never!
Nein, so was!   -   Well, I never!
Well   -   wave
tja   -   oh well
auch   -   as well
Brunnen {m}   -   well
angebracht   -   well
Ich glaube, mich laust der Affe.   -   Well, I'll be damned.
belesen   -   well read
beträchtlich   -   well
   |    next 15 »
Since we have to speak well of the dead, let's knock them while they're alive. -- John Sloan
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