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29 results German - English substring search »
sterbend   -   dying
absterbend   -   dying off
aussterbend   -   dying out
ausklingend   -   dying away
verdurstend   -   dying with thirst
Waldsterben {n}   -   waldsterben; dying of the woods
Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit   -   probability of dying
Ich muss dringend aufs Klo.   -   I'm dying to go to the loo.
wie der Ochse vorm Berg   -   like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
einen riesigen Brand haben (Durst)   -   to be parched; to be dying of thirst
ordnend   -   tidying
aufräumend   -   tidying
bereitend   -   readying
kriechend   -   toadying
abhelfend   -   remedying
   |    next 15 »
We are all dying -- and we're gonna be dead for a long time.
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