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110 results German - English substring search »
Ja   -   Yes
Ja   -   yes
ja   -   yes
Ja, doch!   -   Yes, of couse!
Ja, sicher!   -   Yes, for sure!
Doch, ich sehe es.   -   Yes, I see it.
Doch!   -   Yes, I do!
Aber ja!   -   Yes, indeed!
jau, japp   -   yes (slang)
jein   -   yes and no
aber ja   -   why; yes
Jasager {m}   -   yes-man
jawohl   -   yes; yes Sir
Aber ja!   -   Naturally! yes, indeed! (idiomatische Wendung)
Sie gab ihm ihr Jawort.   -   She said yes.
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Yes, but every time I try to see things your way, I get a headache.
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