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37 results German - English substring search »
formt   -   forms
Arten {pl}   -   forms
formiert   -   forms up
Kasusformen, -typen   -   case forms
Mischformen   -   hybrid forms
Staatsformen {pl}   -   forms of government
Formen der Anrede   -   forms of address
Konjunktivformen   -   subjunctive forms
Telegrammformulare {pl}   -   telegraph forms
Antragsformulare {pl}   -   applications forms
Blepharitis oleosa   -   greasy blepharitis, blepharitis oleosa- a form of blepharitis squamosa in which a yellow,waxy crust forms about the bases of the cilia (medical)
Formen der Akkreditive   -   forms of credit
lokale Sprachformen   -   local speech forms
Gemisch (="Potpourri") von Formen   -   medley of forms
entstellt   -   deforms
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briefcase, n: A trial where the jury gets together and forms a lynching party.
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