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34 results German - English substring search »
hilft   -   aids
Beihilfen {pl}   -   aids
Aids {n}   -   AIDS; Aids
Bürohilfen, Bürogeräte   -   office aids
Hörapparate   -   hearing aids
Hörapparate {pl}   -   hearing aids
Lehrmittel {pl}   -   teaching aids
Agrarsubventionen {pl}   -   aids to farmers
haushaltliche Geräte   -   household aids
Agrarsubventionen {pl}   -   agricultural aids
enteropathisches AIDS, Aufbrauchkrankheit   -   enteropathic AIDS, HIV wasting syndrome, slim disease (medical)
Hilfsfunktionen des Handels   -   aids to trade
Verkaufsförderungsmittel   -   sales promotion aids
AIDS   -   AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (medical)
wrtl.: erworbenes Immunschwächesyndrom   -   AIDS (acquired immune(o) deficiency syndrome)
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"It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God but to create him." -- Arthur C. Clarke
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