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19 results German - English substring search »
Anblick {m}; Ansicht {f}; Anschauung {f}; Hinblick {m}; Betrachtung {f}   -   view
Gedanke {m}; Idee {f}; Anschauung {f}; Vorstellung {f}   -   idea
Meinung {f}; Ansicht {f}; Anschauung {f}   -   opinion
Auffassung {f}; Begriff {m}; Vorstellung {f}; Anschauung {f}   -   conception
in Anschauung versunken   -   lost in contemplation
zu der Anschauung gelangen, dass   -   to come to the conclusion that
Weltanschauung {f}; Ideologie {f}   -   ideology
Weltanschauung {f}   -   world outlook
Anschauungsweise   -   point of view
Anschauungsweise {f}; Sichtweise {f}   -   point of view
Anschauungsuntericht   -   object-lesson
Lebensanschauung {f}   -   approach to life
Anschauungsunterricht {m}   -   object-lesson
Weltanschauung {f}   -   philosophy (of life)
Lebensanschauungen {pl}   -   approaches to life
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A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. -- Mark Twain
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