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133 results German - English substring search »
Kuenste   -   arts
Künste {pl}   -   arts
[ Personenname ]   -   Arts
Dichtkuenste   -   poetic arts
Dichtkünste {pl}   -   poetic arts
Kunstwerke   -   works of arts
musisch   -   in the fine arts
Geisteswissenschaften {pl}   -   arts
Kunstschule {f}   -   school of arts
Fechtkuenste   -   arts of fencing
Fechtkünste {pl}   -   arts of fencing
Kunstschulen {pl}   -   schools of arts
Kunstakademie {f}   -   academy of arts
Magister Artium   -   Master of Arts
Schreibkünste {pl}   -   arts of writing
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"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." -- Albert Einstein
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