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51 results German - English substring search »
ergänzen   -   complement
Ergaenzung   -   COMPLEMENT
Ergaenzung   -   complement
Ergänzung {f}   -   complement
Gegensatz {m}   -   complement
Gegenstück   -   complement
Komplement, Serumbestandteil, spezifische Wirkung eines Antikörpers   -   complement, a collection of around 20 blood proteins (medical)
ergänzen   -   to complement
Gegenstück {n}   -   complement
Komplement {n} [math.]   -   complement
Einerkomplement {n}   -   ones complement
Basiskomplement {n}   -   radix complement
Einserkomplement {n}   -   complement on one
Zehnerkomplement {n}   -   complement on ten
Zweierkomplement {n}   -   complement on two
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "It's hard to tell whether he has an ace up his sleeve or if the ace is missing from his deck altogether."
processing time: 0.254 [sec]

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