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27 results German - English substring search »
üblich   -   conventional
Reifen, konventionelle {m}   -   conventional tyre
konventionell   -   conventional
Kartenzeichen {n}   -   conventional sign
Diagonalreifen {m}   -   conventional tyre
traditionel konventionell   -   conventional, (medical)
hergebracht; konventionell   -   conventional
üblicher Zinssatz   -   conventional interest
Festnetz {n}   -   conventional telephone network
konventionelles Muster   -   conventional design
die gängige Meinung   -   the conventional wisdom
Publikation außerhalb des Buchhandels   -   non-conventional literature
Diagonalreifen {m}   -   bias tire [Am.]; conventional tire; cross-ply tyre; diagonal tyre (cross-ply)
zwanglos   -   unconventional
herkömmlich   -   conventionally
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