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18 results German - English substring search »
Hoefe, freit   -   courts
Höfe {pl}   -   courts
[ Personenname ]   -   Courts
Justizpalast {m}   -   law courts
Tennisplätze {pl}   -   tennis courts
Weltgerichtshöfe {pl}   -   world Courts
Ehrengerichte {pl}   -   courts of honour
Gerichtshoefe   -   courts of justice
Gerichtshöfe {pl}   -   courts of justice
Berufungsgerichte {pl}   -   courts of appeal
Kassationshoefe   -   courts of cassation
Kassationshöfe {pl}   -   courts of cassation
Schiedsgerichte {pl}   -   courts of arbitration
Schöffengerichte {pl}   -   courts of lay assessor
Anrufung der Gerichte   -   references to the courts
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