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14 results German - English substring search »
Dozent   -   lecturer
Dozent, Vortraggeber   -   lecturer
Dozent {m}; Vortragende {m,f}; Lehrbeauftragte {m,f}   -   lecturer
der Dozent, die Dozentin   -   instructor
Doz. : Dozent   -   - : lecturer
der Dozent, die Dozentin   -   college lecturer
der Dozent, die Dozentin   -   assistant professor
Dozenten {pl}   -   training staff
Dozentenstellung {f}   -   readership
Privatdozentin {f}   -   outside lecturer
Universitätsdozent {m}   -   university lecturer
Universitätsdozenten {pl}   -   university lecturers
Gastdozent {m}   -   guest lecturer; visiting lecturer
Priv.-Doz. : Privatdozent   -   - : unsalaried lecturer
Class, that's the only thing that counts in life. Class. Without class and style, a man's a bum; he might as well be dead. -- "Bugsy" Siegel
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