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199 results German - English substring search »
düngen   -   to dung
Ermüdung, Übermüdung, ermüden   -   fatigue
Ermüdung {f}   -   fatigue
Ermüdung {f}   -   fatique
Kuhmist {m}   -   cow dung
Dung {m}   -   manure; dung
Ermüdung   -   weariness
Bach, Brandwunde, Zuendung, verbrennen, brennen   -   burn
Keil {m} (Verbindungselement)   -   key
Falte {f}; Strähne {f}; Lage {f}; Schicht {f}; Windung {f} (Technik)   -   ply
Fuge, Verbindungsstelle   -   joint
laden, beladen, Ladung, Belastung   -   load
Last {f}; Belastung {f}; Ladung {f}   -   load
Linie, Branche, Artikel, Telephonverbindung   -   line
Mund, Muendung   -   mouth
   |    next 15 »
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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