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84 results German - English substring search »
Feste {f}   -   stronghold
Feste feiern, schwelgen   -   revel
feste Summe   -   fixed sum
feste Kurse   -   firm prices
feste Gebühr   -   fixed charge
feste Lamelle {f}   -   fixed blade
feste Prämie   -   fixed premium
feste Bedingungen   -   set terms
feste Haltung   -   firm attitude
feste Regel   -   inflexible rule
unabänderliche Regel, feste Regel   -   hard rule
feste Anstellung   -   regular employment
feste Anstellung, Dauerstellung   -   permanent appointment
feste Schrägschulter {f}   -   fixed taper bead seat
Obligationen ohne feste Fälligkeit   -   indeterminate bonds
   |    next 15 »
Charm is a way of getting the answer "Yes" -- without having asked any clear question.
processing time: 0.444 [sec]

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