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20 results German - English substring search »
Einwerben von Fonds   -   fundraising
Werbung zur Zeichnung von Fonds   -   fundraising
Rentenfonds {m}   -   annuity fund
Dividendenfonds   -   bonus fund
Exotenfonds   -   offshore funds
Fondsvermögen {n}   -   fund assets
Tilgungsfonds   -   sinking-fund
Anlagefonds   -   investment trust
Garantiefonds   -   guarantee fund
Investitionsfonds   -   mutual fund
der Fondsanteil   -   share in a fund
Immobilienfonds   -   real estate fund
Investmentfonds {m}   -   investment fund
Tilgungsfonds {pl}   -   amortization fund
Fondsvermögen {n}   -   assets of the fund
   |    next 15 »
Back when I was a boy, it was 40 miles to everywhere, uphill both ways and it was always snowing.
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