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51 results German - English substring search »
Obst {n}; Frucht {f}   -   fruit
Frucht, Ertrag, Ergebnis, Resultat   -   fruit
Frucht {f}   -   progeny
Obst/Frucht   -   fruit
Zygote, befruchtete Eizelle   -   zygote, fertilized ovum, the cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete (medical)
fruchtig   -   fruity
fruchtbar   -   fecund
fruchtbar   -   rankly
Most {m} (vergoren); Fruchtwein {m}   -   fruit wine
Sorbett {n,m} (Fruchtgetränk; Eisgetränk)   -   sherbet
Einsafter {m}; Fruchtpresse {f}   -   juicer
fruchtbar   -   fertile
fruchtbar   -   seminal
fruchtbar   -   fecundly
fruchtbar   -   fruitful
   |    next 15 »
Confess your sins to the Lord and you will be forgiven; confess them to man and you will be laughed at. -- Josh Billings
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