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8 results German - English substring search »
die Gestellung   -   presentation to customs
Gestellung der Waren   -   production of goods to the customs
Waren von der Gestellung befreien   -   to waive the requirement to submit goods
Problem, Schwierigkeit, Fragestellung   -   problem
Infragestellung {f}; Vorwurf {m}; Tadel {m}   -   impeachment
Fragestellung {f}   -   posing (formulation) of a question
Das ist eine falsche Fragestellung.   -   The question has to be put differently.
Fragestellung {f}   -   question; problem; questioning; interrogating; interrogation
Lockwood's Long Shot: The chances of getting eaten up by a lion on Main Street aren't one in a million, but once would be enough.
processing time: 0.038 [sec]

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