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17 results German - English substring search »
Himmel {m}   -   heaven
Um Gottes willen!   -   For heaven's sake!
Um Himmels willen!   -   For heaven's sake!
himmlische Heerscharen {pl}   -   host of heaven
Er ließ nichts unversucht.   -   He moved heaven and earth.
Er hat Stein und Bein geschworen, dass ...   -   He swore to high heaven that ...
wie im siebten Himmel sein   -   to be on cloud nine; to be in seventh heaven
himmlisch   -   heavenly
Weltkörper {m}   -   heavenly body
[ Personenname ]   -   Heavener
Goettlichkeit   -   heavenliness
Göttlichkeit {f}   -   heavenliness
himmlischere   -   more heavenly
himmlischste   -   most heavenly
Weltkörper {pl}   -   heavenly bodies
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "Everything I am today I owe to people, whom it is now to late to punish."
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