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23 results German - English substring search »
Hit {m}   -   hit
treffen, schlagen, Treffer, Schlager   -   hit
Treffer {m}; Stoß {m}; Hieb {m}   -   hit
sw, s/w : schwarz/weiß   -   B&W, b&w, B/W : black and white
Hitze, erhitze   -   heat
Hitze, Wärme, heizen   -   heat
Hitze   -   ardor
Hitze {f}   -   heat
Ruck {m}   -   hitch
trifft   -   hits
Hitze   -   ardour
weiß   -   whitely
erhitzt   -   heats
Hitler   -   Hitler
Knoten {m}   -   hitch
   |    next 15 »
One monk said to the other, "The fish has flopped out of the net! How will it live?" The other said, "When you have gotten out of the net, I'll tell you."
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