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15 results German - English substring search »
Herberge, die   -   hostel
Herberge, Jugendherberge   -   hostel
Herberge {f}   -   hostel
Herberge, die   -   youth-hostel
Jugendherberge {f}   -   youth hostel
Asylantenwohnheim {n}   -   asylum-seekers' hostel
- : Jugendherbergsverband {m}   -   YHA : Youth Hostel Association
DJH : Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk   -   - : German Youth Hostel Association
Studentenwohnheim {n}; Studentenheim {n}   -   students' hostel; hall of residence; dormitory [Am.]
- : Internationaler Jugendherbergsverband   -   IYHF : International Youth Hostel Federation
Herbergen {pl}   -   hostels
Wirtshaus {n}   -   hostelry
Wirtshäuser {pl}   -   hostelries
[ Personenname ]   -   Hosteller
Jugendherbergen {pl}   -   youth hostels
I guess I've been wrong all my life, but so have billions of other people... Certainty is just an emotion. -- Hal Clement
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