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13 results German - English substring search »
Inventur   -   inventory
Inventur, Inventurliste   -   inventory
Inventur machen   -   to take stock
Inventur {n}   -   inventory; stocktaking
laufende Inventur   -   permanent inventory
laufende Inventur   -   perpetual inventory
geschätzte Inventur   -   estimated inventory
Inventur machen; Inventur aufnehmen   -   to take inventory; to take stock
Inventuranhänger   -   inventory tag
Inventurbuch   -   inventory register
Dauerinventur   -   continuous inventory
Jahresinventur {f}   -   annual inventory count
Inventuraufnahme   -   taking of an inventory
The horizon of many people is a circle with a radius of zero. They call this their point of view. -- Albert Einstein
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