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16 results German - English substring search »
Zunahme des Kapitals   -   increase in capital
Erhöhung des Kapitals   -   increase of capital
Beweglichkeit des Kapitals   -   mobility of capital
Zusammensetzung des Kapitals   -   composition of capital
Grenzleistung des Kapitals   -   marginal efficiency of capital
Kapitalabgabe, Kapitalsteuer   -   capital levy
Kapitalsteuer {f}   -   tax on capital
der Kapitalstock   -   capital stock
kapitalstark   -   financially sound
kapitalschwach   -   financially weak
Kapitalsteuern {pl}   -   taxes on capital
Kapitalstruktur   -   capital structure
Kapitalspritze   -   injection of capital
kapitalstark   -   with sufficient captal
kapitalschwach   -   with insufficient capital
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Spectacularism: A fascination with extreme situations. -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture"
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