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59 results German - English substring search »
Kirche {f}   -   church
Kathedrale, Kirche   -   cathedral
Kathedrale {f}; Kirche {f}   -   cathedral
- : Anglikanische Kirche   -   CE, C of E : Church of England
Kirche, die   -   kirk (scots-english)
zur Kirche gehen   -   to go to church
in die Kirche gehen   -   to go to church
Man muss die Kirche im Dorf lassen.   -   Now that's going too far.
EKD : Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland   -   - : Protestant Church in Germany
Buettel, Kirchendiener   -   beadle
Büttel {m}; Kirchendiener {m}   -   beadle
Büttel {pl}; Kirchendiener {pl}   -   beadles
Buetteln, Kirchendienern   -   beadles
Kirchen {pl}   -   churches
Dünkirchen   -   Dunkirk
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Steele's Plagiarism of Somebody's Philosophy: Everybody should believe in something -- I believe I'll have another drink.
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