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16 results German - English substring search »
begrenzend   -   limiting
Begrenzung {f}   -   limiting
Höchstalter   -   limiting age
Grenzdurchmesser   -   limiting diameter
Typenbeschränkung   -   variety limiting
Grenzhaftung [math.]   -   limiting friction
Baulinie {f}   -   fixing building limiting line
Grenzkonzentration {f}   -   limiting concentration
Grenzzusammensetzung {f}   -   limiting composition
strombegrenzende Sicherung   -   current limiting fuse
Grenzwert {m}   -   limit; limiting value; threshold value
Randbedingung {f}   -   limiting condition; boundary condition
Beschränkung der Rißbreite   -   limiting of the crack width
Schadensbegrenzung {f}   -   limiting (of) the damages; limitation of damage
- : karriereschädigende Handlung; schwerer Programmfehler   -   CLM : Career Limiting Move
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"More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined." -- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_
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