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12 results German - English substring search »
probiert   -   samples
Kostproben, Musters   -   samples
[ Personenname ]   -   Samples
Stichproben {pl}   -   spot tests; samples
Aufteilung {f} einer Stichprobe   -   allocation of samples
Musterkollektion   -   range of samples
Musterkollektion   -   assortment of samples
Auswahl aus den Mustern   -   selection of samples
Muster auf Verlangen zusenden   -   send samples on request
senden Sie uns einige Muster   -   let us have some samples
Theorie der großen Stichproben   -   theory of large samples
Musterkollektion {f}   -   assortment of samples; sample collection
Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans; it's lovely to be silly at the right moment. -- Horace
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