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22 results German - English substring search »
Fels, schaukeln   -   rock
Felsen,schaukeln,schwanken,schuetteln   -   rock
Schaum, Abschaum   -   scum
Spiel {n}; Schauspiel {n}   -   play
Akteur, Schauspieler   -   actor
Buehne, Schauplatz, Szene, Vorgang   -   scene
Bühne {f}; Schauplatz {m}; Szene {f}; Vorgang {m}   -   scene
Eimer, Schaufel   -   bucket
Schaum {m}   -   scum
Schaum {m}   -   suds
Schaum {m}; Schaumstoff {m}   -   foam
schaut   -   looks
Szene {f}; Schauplatz {m}; Bühne {f}   -   scene
Abschaum, abschäumen   -   scum
Anblick {m}; Ansicht {f}; Anschauung {f}; Hinblick {m}; Betrachtung {f}   -   view
   |    next 15 »
Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat.
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