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39 results German - English substring search »
Plan, Entwurf, Schema   -   scheme
Schema, Plan, System   -   scheme
Entwurf, Plan, Schema   -   scheme
Formel, Schema, Rezept   -   formula
Schema {n}   -   scheme
Formel {f}; Schema {n}; Rezept {n}   -   formula
Entwurf; {m} Plan {m}; Schema {n}   -   scheme
nach Schema F   -   according to the book
Schemata {pl}; Schemen {pl}   -   schemes
Kreislauf, Schaltschema   -   circuitry
Kreislauf {m}; Schaltschema {n}   -   circuitry
Handlungsschema {n}   -   plot
Schaltbild {n}   -   schematic
schematisch   -   schematic
Datenbankschema, Schema   -   schema
   |    next 15 »
It is not good for a man to be without knowledge, and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way. -- Proverbs 19:2
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