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23 results German - English substring search »
Sendung, Verschiffung, Versendung   -   shipment
Verschiffung, Schiffsladung   -   shipment
Verschiffung {f}   -   shipment
Versand {m}   -   shipment; shipping
Teilsendung   -   partial shipment
Luftfrachtsendung   -   air shipment
Versanddatum {n}   -   date of shipment
Exportlieferung   -   export shipment
Sammelladung {f}   -   aggregated shipment
Teilverschiffung   -   partial shipment
vor der Verladung   -   before shipment
Verladung an Deck   -   shipment on deck
Verladung an Bord   -   shipment on board
Verschiffungshafen   -   port of shipment
Warensendung {f}   -   consignment; shipment
   |    next 15 »
You don't have to be nice to people on the way up if you're not planning on coming back down. -- Oliver Warbucks, "Annie"
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