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32 results German - English substring search »
Seele {f}   -   soul
Seelengut {m}   -   good soul
Seelenfreund {m}   -   soul mate
Menschenseele {f}   -   human soul
Seelenfreunde {pl}   -   soul mates
nervtötend (Arbeit)   -   soul-destroying
afro-amerikanischer Mann   -   soul brother
mit Leib und Seele   -   with heart and soul
Er war mit Leib und Seele dabei.   -   He put his heart and soul in it.
Seelen {pl}   -   souls
seelenlos   -   soulless
seelenvoll   -   soulful
seelenlose   -   soullessly
seelenvolle   -   soulfully
Seelenfreund {m}   -   soulmate
   |    next 15 »
A priest advised Voltaire on his death bed to renounce the devil. Replied Voltaire, "This is no time to make new enemies."
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