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71 results German - English substring search »
Punkte {pl}; Spitzen {pl}   -   points
Spitzen {pl}   -   peaks
Spitzen {pl}   -   spires
Spitzen {pl}   -   cuspids
Spitzen {pl}   -   pinnacles
neu spitzen   -   to resharpen
den Mund spitzen   -   to purse one's lips
die Ohren spitzen   -   to prick up one's ears
spitzenartig   -   lacy
spitzenartig   -   lacey
spitzenklasse   -   superb
Spitzenlohn   -   top wage
Spitzenjahr   -   peak year
spitzenmäßig   -   big time
zuspitzend   -   pinnacling
   |    next 15 »
"It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us in trouble. It's the things we know that ain't so." -- Artemus Ward aka Charles Farrar Brown
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