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18 results German - English substring search »
Gesinnung, Stellung, Standpunkt   -   attitude
Position {f}; Lage {f}; Standpunkt {m}; Stellung {f}   -   position
Gesinnung {f}; Stellung {f}; Standpunkt {m}   -   attitude
Standpunkt   -   point of
Standpunkt {m}   -   standpoint
Standpunkt {m}   -   post; point
Standpunkt {m}   -   point of view
Lage; Stellung; Standpunkt   -   position
auf dem Standpunkt stehen   -   to take the view
Standpunkt klarstellen   -   to clarify a position
den Standpunkt vertreten, dass   -   to take the view that
von meinem Standpunkt aus   -   from my point of view
vom ... Standpunkt aus, aus ...er Sicht   -   from the ... point of view
jemandem seinen Standpunkt klarmachen   -   to make your position clear to someone
Gesinnungen, Stellungen, Standpunkte   -   attitudes
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Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. -- Mark Twain
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