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22 results German - English substring search »
Netz, netzartig, vernetzen, Netto   -   net
Öse {f}; Nase {f}; Fahne {f} (zum Befestigen)   -   lug
eng, knapp   -   tight
faul, schnutzig, stinkend, garstig   -   foul
igitt, igittigitt   -   yuk, yuck
fähig, tüchtig   -   able
fest   -   tight
froh, lustig, vergnügt   -   merry
groß, großartig   -   great
kotig   -   miry
schlau, listig   -   sly
süß, anmutig   -   svelte
Tat, tigkeit, Handlung   -   action
Avis, Benachrichtigung   -   advice
Dicht   -   tight
   |    next 15 »
Original thought is like original sin: both happened before you were born to people you could not have possibly met. -- Fran Lebowitz, "Social Studies"
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